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1-6 of 138 job search results

Thesis Writing Service logo

Thesis Writing Services India (124 - 134 years)

Thesis Writing Service Job Salary ₱ 1250Job LocationNew DelhiJob CategoryWriter / Editor / Translator

Thesis Writing Service is an Academic Writing Service company in India. We have 100+ professional writers available 24X7 and can provide thesis help with dissertations, thesis editing, research papers, case studies, etc. Get reliable and affordable thesis writing service india that can deliver quality work within your deadline. Look no further than our professional thesis writing service. Their customer support team is friendly to deal with.

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Assignment Help Pakistan logo

Assignment Help Pakistan (4 - 6 years)

Assignment Help Pakistan Job Salary hiddenJob LocationUC-5 Sakhi Hassan, Karachi, Sindh, Pakistan Job CategoryWriter / Editor / Translator

Assignment Help Pakistan  a provider of high-quality and affordable essay writing services, is looking for an exceptional assignment writer to join our Pakistan-based team. The successful candidate will be passionate about academia, possess excellent research skills, and be committed to helping students reach their educational goals.

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ABS Global Innovations Inc logo

AI Content Asset Operator (1 - 2 years)

ABS Global Innovations Inc Job Salary ₱ 30000Job LocationPasig CityJob CategoryWriter / Editor / Translator
  • Oversee the collection, organization, and updating of AI platform image content assets.
  • Develop and implement effective content asset management processes to enhance work efficiency and team collaboration.
  • Utilize advanced image generation tools such as Stable Diffusion to create personalized and diverse image assets for virtual AI characters.
  • Ensure high-quality visual design, from concept to execution, that meets market demands and aligns with the preferences of the target user group.
  • Conduct in-depth research on aesthetic trends in European and American markets to ensure image assets resonate with target audiences.
  • Stay updated with the latest trends and preferences to consistently produce relevant and appealing content.
  • Collaborate closely with the creative team to develop and execute innovative strategies for content assets.
  • Contribute to brainstorming sessions and provide insights to enhance creative direction.
  • Monitor the performance of image assets through data analysis, focusing on content quality and user engagement.
  • Continuously optimize and refine image assets based on performance metrics and user feedback.
  • Implement rigorous quality assurance processes to maintain the highest standards of visual content.
  • Conduct thorough reviews and testing to ensure all image assets meet specified quality criteria and are free of errors.
  • Work effectively in a cross-cultural environment, demonstrating excellent communication skills and team spirit.
  • Coordinate with overseas teams to ensure smooth collaboration and seamless content integration

Date Posted
ABS Global Innovations Inc logo

AI Data Processing Specialist (1 - 2 years)

ABS Global Innovations Inc Job Salary ₱ 30000Job LocationPasig CityJob CategoryWriter / Editor / Translator
  1. Corpus Construction and Management: Responsible for collecting, organizing, and optimizing the chat text corpus required for AI model training, ensuring the diversity and quality of the corpus.
  2. Multilingual Translation and Localization: Translate and polish the corpus to conform to the cultural and expression habits of the target market.
  3. Text Proofreading and Quality Control: Conduct meticulous proofreading of the corpus to ensure the accuracy and fluency of the text.
  4. Audio Data Processing: Annotate, calibrate, and modify audio data to ensure consistency with the text content.
  5. Data Annotation and Analysis: Perform data annotation, analyze data quality, and propose improvement plans.
  6. Team Collaboration and Communication: Work closely with data scientists, engineers, and other team members to ensure the efficiency and accuracy of the data processing workflow.

Date Posted
Dissertation Help Dubai logo

Dissertation Help Dubai (5 - 7 years)

Dissertation Help Dubai Job Salary ₱ 8Job LocationNO 18 Mishui Avenue Gaomi City Dubai, UAEJob CategoryWriter / Editor / Translator

In the UAE many writing firm provides professional Thesis writing services for students struggling with their PhD Thesis. Their team of experienced thesis experts offers custom-written dissertations tailored to meet each client's specific requirements. Focusing on quality and affordability, It has established itself as a trusted source of academic support for students seeking PhD Thesis Help Dubai.

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Rekrutmen PT. Angkasa Pura ll (Persero) logo

administrasi terbaru PT Angkasa Pura II (Persero)

Rekrutmen PT. Angkasa Pura ll (Persero) Job Salary hiddenJob LocationMedan, Kota Medan, Sumatera UtaraJob CategoryWriter / Editor / Translator

Info Rekrutmen Lowongan Kerja BUMN PT Angkasa Pura II (Persero) Saat Ini Mempunyai Komitmen Untuk Mengembangkan Bisnis Di Bidang Bandara Dan Jasa Bandara Dengan Kualitas Standar Domestik Bahkan Secara Meyeluruh. PT Angkasa Pura II Yakin Banyaknya Permintaan Dan Kebutuhan Customer Untuk Mendekati Kinerja Yang Sangat Memuaskan. Permasalah Dan Gejala Yang Sering Dihadapi Mampu Diselesaikan Oleh Tenaga Ahli Secara Teknis Dan Menunjukkan Kualiatas Pekerja Secara Profesional. Penambahan Berbagai Sarana Dan Prasarana Sudah Dimaksimalkan Sesuai Aturan Yang Berlaku, Memperlihatkan Kemajuan Pesat Angkasa Pura II Semakin Menarik Bagi Pendatang Yang Selalu Bergantian. Mutu Layanan Angkasa Pura Telah Dibuktikan Dengan Meraih Banyaknya Penghargaan Mulai Dari Nasional Maupun Ditingkat Internasional.

PT Angkasa Pura II Perusahaan Pengelola Jasa Kebandarudaraan Di Indonesia, Mengundang Anda Yang Mempunyai Semangat, Integritas Tinggi, Ulet, Dan Kompeten Untuk Bergabung Dan Mengembangkan

Karir Menjadi Tenaga PKWT Untuk Posisi:

Lowongan Selengkapnya

Terminal Operation Services – Kode TOS


Finance & Accouting Office


Staff Administrasi

Manager Operasional

Teknik Bandara

Asisten Management

Technical Trainee Program

Junior Web Programer

Information Center Analyst

Trading System Operation Officer

IT / Progammer

Trading System operation Office

Engineering, Site, Civil, Me, Architect

Business Development Director

Sales & Marketing Admin

Digital Marketing Content Strategist & Analyst

Human Resource (Manager & Staff)

Persyaratan Umum :

* Pria/Wanita Usia 17 – 45 Th,

* Warga Negara Indonesia

* Pendidikan/Lulusan SMK,DI,D2 D3,D4, S1, S2, S3 semua jurusan (1,4,5)

* Sehat jasmani dan rohani

* Berkelakuan baik

* Mampu berkomunikasi dengan baik

* Siap ditempatkan diseluruh wilayah Indonesia

Kelengkapan Dokumen

* Surat Lamaran Kerja

* Curriculum Vitae ( CV )

* Ftocopy Ijazah Pendidikan Terakhir

* Foto copy Identitas ( KTP / SIM )

* Pas Foto (berwarna) ukuran 3 x 4 sebanyak 2 lembar

* Email dan No. Telp / Hp yang masih aktif

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