General Farm Worker

Job Category (Other - General Staff) - Full-time
Job Location Canada
Job SalaryHidden

Job posted on: 2020-11-02 (4 years ago)

Job Description

• Plants, prunes, weeds, cultivate and harvest crops. • Operate farm machinery and equipment. • Maintain and repair farm equipment. • Report to and follow the directions of a farm Supervisor. • Other general farm duties as assigned.

Job Qualifications

• Ability to work long hours, early mornings and weekends are required. • Ability to work outdoors in All weather conditions.

About Airview

At AIRVIEW, we are a team of certified immigration consultants with more than 15 years of experience in Canadian immigration ready to help you on your journey to successfully complete the immigration process to work and live in Canada.

Why Join Us?

We strive to provide high quality Canadian immigration services for people looking to work and live in Canada. We seek to ensure the success of our clients by helping them with their immigration needs, including to help them reunite with their family members, find the best professional destination for their skills. We deliver the immigration solutions our clients need to move successfully along their path to immigrating to Canada.

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